Renaissance Environmental Services is employing state of technology centered on gasification. These technologies offer major advantages in the treatment of medical and pharmaceutical waste streams.
State Of The Art Technology
Our high temperature treatment systems reduce all waste to an inert material. This process minimizes landfill impacts.
Closed loop system prevents emissions of dioxins and furans common with incinerators.
RES operating costs are less than our competition while providing the ultimate cradle to grave solution.
Total Service For Waste Producers
- High temperatures destroy all materials that comes in contact with infectious disease
- Closed loop system prevents emissions of dioxins and furans so common with incinerators.
- Cost of operations, thereby influencing cost of services is less than incineration
- Unlike autoclaving, this process diminishes the waste volume by 93% greatly reducing dependency on landfills to accept the final product
- Equipment will be operated by highly trained staff from local community and educated by our equipment people.
- Clean and quiet operations.
- Technology has been operating for more than 20 years throughout Europe and Scandinavia.
Total Service for Waste Generators
Long History And Experience In Industry. Best Technology For Treating Waste.